We are versatile, independent, curious and think interdisciplinary: the buero bauer team.
Mag. Erwin K. Bauer
is a trained farmer, graphic designer & type designer. As founder and managing director he leads projects with strategic expertise. He presents the versatile competences of the office in lectures, teaches at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, juries, curates and publishes.
Laura Barthelmess
is studying communication design at the University of Design in Schwäbisch Gmünd. With her passion for good design and photography, she supports us in the field of graphic design. After her internship here in Vienna, she's off to her next stop in London to see and learn as many new things as possible.
Mag.ª Sarah Borinato
Sarah comes from Sicily and studied product design in Italy and graphic design in Vienna. She has a curious sense for typography and photography, and is passionate about illustration – her specialty: lively, engaging exhibitions.
Mark Eder BA
Mark loves digital and physical worlds. He designs and connects them with consistency. Again and again he likes to grab the camera, rummages in forums for the right code and at the same time looks into the third dimension through his master studies in space and design strategies.
DI Aline Eriksson
studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology and combines visual and spatial design with her expertise. With her interdisciplinary and experimental approach to information design, she strengthens our team in the areas of signage, data visualization and exhibition design.
Jennifer Göller MA
Jennifer is a passionate interior designer and has a Master's degree in Interior Design from New Design University, where she also teaches. With her diverse background in hospitality, she has a keen sense of people's needs and how to touch them emotionally with harmonious interior design.
Saskja Heinrich
Alongside her studies in spatial planning at the Universität für Bodenkultur, she and Monika ensure that everything is perfectly organised in the studio. The team's concerns, organisational issues and accounting are in perfect hands with her.
DI Michael Herzog
completed his architectural studies at Vienna University of Technology and is a certified expert for accessibility. Experienced in both, visual and spatial design, he works on orientation systems, information design and microtypography for buero bauer.
Sabine Macho BA
is an expert for orientation systems, accessibility and spatial design. Currently, she studies architecture at the Vienna University of Technology.
Tobias Mandl
has learned his craft of visual and spatial design at the Grafische and the TU Vienna. Afterwards, he gained experience in both design and architecture offices over several years. At our company, he works at the interface of both worlds and prefers to combine them in smart orientation projects.
DI Josh Reingruber
studied Architecture at the Vienna University of Technology and has gathered profound experience in several architecture studios previously. For buero bauer, he develops and designs projects in the realms of architecture, exhibition and orientation design, and is a certified expert for accessibility.
Elina Resch BA
Elina is a communication designer specialising in information design. As an intern with us, she is searching for what constitutes design - a seemingly simple question to which you can find completely different answers in everyday design practice - depending on which perspective you take.
Monika Rosenkranz
leads the central office management from project controlling to finances and human resources. She supports the team realizing projects as a longtime expert for production.
Mag. FH David Schatzmann
studied Intermedia at the Vorarlberg University for Applied Sciences and is a skilled designer and longtime team member of buero bauer. His versatility mostly focuses on user centered design in digital and analogue spaces.
Clemens Schrammel BSc
is interaction designer and developer. He studies at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, the University of Art and Design Linz and the Bauhaus University Weimar. At buero bauer, he facilitates projects in the fields of UX / UI design, creative coding and communication design.
- All of us believe design can contribute to a better world.
- 8 of us have been on a mountain of at least 3000hm.
- 9 of us ride their bike to work.
- 8 of us find cooking as exciting as eating.
- 4 of us like to dance out of line.
- 4 of us passionately play table football.
- 7 of us have been to Japan.
- 6 of us work in the office for more than 5 years.
- 7 of us rather drink tea.
- 10 of us are not from Vienna.
- 6 of us like to wear statement pieces.
- 8 of say FriYay, not Friday!
- 13 of us are still a perfectionist despite a Wabi Sabi attitude.
- 9 of us do not eat meat
- 9 of us also realize own projects
- 3 of us have a big mouth.
- 3 of us do yoga regularly.
- 5 of us have a sweet stash to prevent hypoglycemia.